Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sautéed Japanese Turnips With Turnip Greens

Serious Eats gave me this recipe, which really just confirmed what I was going to do except I wasn't sure about the stems and leaves, so this helped.  I found these turnips at my local farmer's market yesterday and had to try them. They were grown by Fresh Roots at a local high school (VanTech).  In one sentence and from their website:  "Fresh Roots is a non-profit organization working with school communities towards Good Food For All".

I was looking for easy which is what I like with solid, fresh ingredients...salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil and the greens with turnips.  I could have come up with it myself, haha.  I added some unsalted butter as well.

I cut the turnips leaving a little of the stems, and then cut the leaves off.  I blanched these for one and a half minutes and then plunged them into ice water.  I drained, dried well and chopped into bite sized pieces.

I washed the turnips and cut into 4 quarters each.  I put some butter and oil in a non-stick skillet and heated it over med-high heat.

I put the turnips, kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper in and stir fried until lightly browned, about 10 minutes.

I added in the greens and stir-fried for about a minute more.  I drizzled some more EVOO over and checked the seasoning.  At this time I grated some fresh Parmesan Reggiano over as they were a tad bitter.  I served.

Meh, didn't love these, I could feel something sweetish wanting to get through but it wasn't there.  I liked the greens though, reminded me of kale.  I have no idea if they tasted like I should expect as we have never seen or eaten them before.  My friend and I thought they were white radishes.  My son said they tasted like Brussels Sprouts which made me laugh.  They tasted like turnip to me.  I wished I had tried it raw.  Didn't even think to do that today and not sure why I didn't.  Maybe my friend will eat them raw and tell me her thoughts?

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