Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Thanksgiving Leftover Sliders

Well I was excited when I saw a local grocery store selling King's Hawaiian Rolls.  My co-worker would get them in Washington state for me on occasion but it was nice to see them available in Canada.  $3.99 for 12 at Save On Foods.

I had a shitload of leftovers, so this was dinner #2 with it...or was it #3, #4?  All I know is that I didn't want any at all.  I was already "turkey'd out".  I made 6 anyway since I had the buns, and I served my son some with the soup I made.  I'm just going to show you pictures of how I did it, starting with the buns and whipped cream cheese on them.  I used cooking spray on a 9" round cake pan.

Next layer was 2 year old aged Balderson cheddar cheese which we both love.

Then ham.

Turkey next with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.

The last of the homemade cranberry sauce.

Final layer of cheese again.

The bun lids.

I heated some unsalted butter, poppy seeds, garlic & onion powder and then brushed it over the top.

I sealed with foil, then baked at 350°F for a half hour.  I removed the foil for 10 minutes more, just to toast the buns a little.  The reason I put the foil on was because I wasn't sure they'd be hot enough without it.  They were warm.  The cheese was melty, but because of the foil, sloppy-ish.

Perhaps not the best idea.  Probably should have warmed the turkey and ham up first before assembly.  Anyway, I served.

I'm not going to lie, my son said he loved these.  I tasted one and I was not as enthused.  Probably just because it felt so unhealthy.

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