Friday, May 14, 2021

Cock-a-Leekie Soup

Who doesn't want to make a Scottish soup with a name like this?  I perused a few recipes and liked that I found prunes and barley in some so that's what I used in mine.  A new friend in my neighborhood gifted me some leeks from her garden so that is what inspired this dish tonight.  We picked up a rotisserie chicken at Costco so I used the bones to make a broth for this.  I saw the leeks cut in big chunks in a lot of the soups, like an inch wide.  I didn't do that to mine, but hey, do as you like...

  • 6 cups homemade chicken stock
  • 6 small leeks, rinsed/cleaned well and sliced thinly
  • 2 carrots from a bunch, halved upper side & sliced thinly
  • 2 stalks celery, sliced thinly
  • 1 large fresh dried bay leaf
  • 1/3 cup pearl barley
  • 10 dried pitted prunes, cut in thin slices
  • 2 cups of chicken, cut into bite size pieces
  • Fresh ground pepper and kosher salt, to taste
  • Fresh Italian parsley, chopped coarsely, for garnish

I tried to keep this a simple soup and to let the ingredients shine on their own.  Anyway, this was pretty easy to construct after the stock was finished.  

I added everything on the list above in a Dutch oven then strained in the broth.  

I brought to a boil, covered and simmered for a half hour.  Bay leaf was removed and dinner was ready.

I served garnished with parsley, S&P and some sliced buttered baguette.  I like dipping bread into a soup, especially when the broth is tasty.  This was indeed worthy of the dip.  

Maybe it's just me, but I love prunes so much and they made it amazing!  It totally took this dish from good to fantastic in my eyes though the leeks were present and in a starring role, though second.  The sweetness of the prunes was just Mmmmm...  The barley was just cooked and toothsome.  Overall a HIT!  This is one soup I know I won't have to freeze as it will get eaten up before then. 😋😊

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