Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tater Tot Casserole

OK, I got this recipe from a blog called "Mommy's Kitchen".  :)  I don't like ANY frozen hash browns...well...except tater tots! I made a breakfast casserole with them for Christmas and it was worthy, we decided it was a keeper.  So, when I stumbled across this online, I decided I would make it, or a very similar version of it, since I'm a big fan of hamburger and mushroom soup too.  One of my favorite comfort dishes as a kid was those two together over mashed potatoes.  Anyway, I made a couple of tweaks to this recipe...

I started by sauteing a large onion, mushrooms (white & cremini), 3 cloves of garlic - minced and a jalapeno pepper - diced and with seeds.

I used some Canadian grass fed, non-medicated lean ground beef from Famous Foods.  I added the hamburger and some lean ground pork (1/2 lb) and browned it.  Next I added a can of mushroom soup (Always has to be Campbell's), a good shake of Worcestershire sauce, a good tablespoon of Kirkland Organic No Salt seasoning,  cayenne pepper, lots of fresh cracked pepper and the sour cream.

I stirred it till mixed and simmered for about 5 minutes.  My "absent sous chef" did my cheese grating for me.  I poured this into a casserole pan sprayed with "Pam".  I added a layer of grated cheddar.

And then the tater tots.  The tater tots was one bag (800 grams).  I bought two just in case, but I still had a few left after in a 13" x 9" baking dish.  I really liked the way "the mommy" laid them out in her recipe, so neatly, so I did the same.

I topped it with more cheese and then into the oven it went.

And 45 minutes later, it was done.  This leaked in my oven so next time I would put a cookie sheet underneath.

I let it rest for 15 minutes before I served.  It didn't stay together, but it was oh so warming like my other fave comfort dish.  (It did set after a half hour of sitting).  I REALLY liked this, one of my better casseroles I have made.   My son did too and told me I made an awesome dinner and said it was a great choice.  I seemed to hit the seasoning dead on this go round, I thought it was perfect.  I will make it again for sure!!!  Another Tater Tot keeper, at least my version of it...I'm guessing the recipe is a little bland tasting, though I understand it is kid friendly, so it makes sense...


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