Friday, June 9, 2017

Fisherman's Stew

I had these frozen cod fillets in my freezer from Costco and I thought maybe a good way to use them would be to make a fish soup or stew.  I was going to add some prawns but ultimately decided I'd leave them out tonight, but I'm sure they'd be great too - any seafood would be good.  I also was going to zest some lemon or lime but got lazy, so didn't end up adding that.  I kept the liquids to a minimum as it is my experience that any thawed frozen fish exudes tons of water.

I saw a nice fresh baked loaf of Buttermilk Potato bread at the bakery so picked that up for dipping into the broth.  For my ingredients, I used:
  • 4 frozen cod fillets, thawed 
  • Handful of cilantro (into the bouquet garni)
  • Handful of Italian parsley, chopped finely and for garnish
  • Package of fresh Seafood Blend of Herbs (Basil, Dill, Marjoram, Savory, Thyme)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 leek, white/light green part - halved and sliced thinly
  • 1 can (398 ml) of Fire Roasted tomatoes
  • 1 Vidalia onion, diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 cup of white wine (Pinot Grigio)
  • 2 stalks of celery, halved and sliced
  • 2 carrots, halved and sliced
  • 4 medium-small Yukon Gold potatoes, cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 cups of low sodium vegetable stock (Better than Bouillon)
  • Freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt, to taste
  • Pinch of crushed chili flakes, to taste (I used a big pinch)
  • Dash of Red Boat fish sauce
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, diced with innards & seeds
  • Pinch of Saffron
I put the cod packets in a sink of cold water to thaw while I prepared everything else.

I chopped everything.

I tied all the herbs into a fat bouquet garni.

I got a dutch oven with some olive oil and sauteed the onion, carrot, celery, jalapeno, garlic, chili flakes, S&P and leek.

When soft, I deglazed with the wine and cooked it down until about half reduced.  I added in all the rest of the ingredients except the fish.

I seasoned again with more cracked pepper.

I squashed it all in and brought to a boil.  I turned it down and then covered and simmered for a half hour.  I checked the potatoes and they were tender.

At that time, I added in the fish, covered and simmered for another 15 minutes.  After stirring, the cod broke up into nice chunks of bite size pieces.  I fished out the bay leaves and herb bundle.  I checked seasoning and I stirred in some parsley.

It was time to serve.

MmmmmMmmmm GOOD!  THIS, is a keeper!  I wouldn't change a thing I did.  There was some serious heat too, which I loved.  I didn't get a dud for the jalapeno this time.  This was as good as any fish stew or soup I've ever had...the broth was simply amazing due to the herbs and adding shellfish was not needed.  The cod was satisfying all on its own.  And whatever you do, don't forget to dunk that bread in!

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