Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Turkey Patty Melts

I saw this on "The Chew" and thought I'd try a Daphne Oz recipe as I don't think I've done one of hers yet.  It looked really good and I love that she used fresh herbs for the flavor, which is my favorite thing to do in food.
I mixed up my turkey with said paprika, S&P and Worcestershire sauce.  Then I used Italian parsley, cilantro and mint for the fresh herbs.

I formed these into little patties, the size of the bread, I hoped.

I only used 1 lb of extra lean ground turkey and the recipe called for 1.5 lbs.  I fried these in a non-stick pan until cooked.

I mixed the spicy feta spread as per the recipe but also added some cilantro to it and the lemon juice from the zested lemon.

I covered and put this in the fridge till needed.  I had some Canadian Winnipeg rye bread and the slices are really small so were probably equal to her skinny sandwich rounds.  I buttered the outsides.  I was going do these like grilled cheeses or patty melts, for that matter.

I had leftover caramelized onions in the freezer, so I thawed them and then sauteed them again.

I didn't follow her exact instructions because I cooked everything separately.  On the buttered bread, I flipped it and spread the feta spread on each slice.  I put the buttered side into a non-stick pan, then I topped with the onions.

I put the burgers on next and then the other bread half.

When brown on both sides, I sliced in half and then served.  I had made some oven yam fries to go with this.

Very different!  Not your usual patty melt by any means.  That being said, it was tasty.  The herbs did their job.  The cheese spread was bright & zesty and went well with the turkey flavor.  This was nice to try but won't be going into my regular rotation.  I'm starting to realize that I like ground turkey in things like chili where its taste can be covered up.  😏

EDIT:  I ate the leftover sandwich cold then next day.  I liked it cold better!  It tasted like "turkey stuffing".  It was good - I should have put some cranberry sauce on it...

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