Saturday, January 20, 2018

Linguine with Clams (Linguine con le Vongole)

This is really one of my all time favorite pasta dishes.  I had these good frozen clams in the freezer which were low sodium, and I always buy them.  But, the idea of fresh clams was appealing...I found a seafood place close to my work called Fanny Bay Oysters.  A call to them told me the clams were $4.95 a pound.  They recommended a pound per person and the type they suggested using with pasta was Manila clams.  So, I decided to buy a couple pounds of fresh and use the frozen too, so I wouldn't have to take them out of the shell and could add more clam meat to the dish.  I know I was going to have a LOT of clams, but that is why I like this dish so much - the clams.  I was making a shitload of pasta too, so it seemed okay.  When I bought them, the person who sold them to me advised that he didn't think I should cook frozen and fresh together simply as they wouldn't cook at the same time.  I assured him I would adjust what I needed to do accordingly.  He also said they were cleaned and I needed to do nothing...

He said I should store them in my fridge crisper.  I should put them on a pie plate with a wet cloth on the top and bottom and they would keep for 2 - 3 days.  I bought them Friday and cooked this on Saturday:
  • 2 lbs of Manila clams
  • 3/4 lb of frozen (thawed) cooked clam meat
  • 1 lb box of dry linguine (I used De Cecco)
  • 1/4 cup organic extra virgin olive oil and more for drizzling over finished dish
  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • Half a bunch of Italian parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh oregano, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red chili flakes
  • Fresh cracked pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup of dry white wine (I had chardonnay in the fridge)
  • 1/2 cup of low sodium chicken broth mixed with half teaspoon of "Red Boat" fish sauce
  • Ladle of pasta water
  • Zest of lemon and juice squeezed
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano cheese (yes, I know that is blasphemy to some, but we love this dish with cheese!)
Mise en place first!  I chopped, minced, zested, grated, measured and had everything in line.  This is a quick dish, so everything done and just ready to "dump and pour", is ideal.  I checked all the clams to make sure they were closed.  If slightly open, you are supposed to tap them and if they close they are good, if not discard.  Mine were all closed upon inspection at cooking time.  Any clams that don't open after being steamed/cooked should also be thrown away.
I got the pasta started.  I put the water in a dutch oven and when boiling, added a couple of tablespoons of sea salt.  I cooked to package directions with one minute less as it would finish in the sauce.

I poured the olive oil in a fry pan and sauteed the shallot, garlic and chili flakes.

I poured in the wine and let it reduce by half.  I added in the chicken broth and all the clams (the cooked and the ones in the shell).  I cracked in some pepper.  I put the lid on and simmered until the clams opened, about 5 minutes.

I drained the pasta and mixed it in with a ladle of the water, the lemon zest with  juice, parsley. oregano and a good drizzling of organic extra virgin olive oil.  I mixed until combined well.  I served and garnished with Parmesan cheese and lots of fresh cracked pepper.

This dish would have been good with or without the fresh clams. However, the fresh ones gave the nice "restaurant appearance" and, they actually made a lovely broth for the sauce.  Most importantly though, they did taste better than the frozen ones.  The pasta was perfectly cooked al dente.  A wonderful, satisfying meal. If you love clams and linguine, you will adore this.  We did...superb...

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