Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pork Chops Alla Milanese with Roasted Cipollini & Pearl Onions

The first time I had cipollini onions, I was bowled over.  Wow!  So sweet and succulent.  I bought some recently but was dismayed when I learned they're hard to peel, so they've been sitting on my counter...They were expensive too. The 10 oz bag below was $4.

BUT, I bought some centre cut bone-in pork chops "cheap" and decided these would go with them for Sunday dinner.  I got a pack of three for $5.  For the chops, I found a recipe by Chef Jonathan Waxman (He's always been one my favorites) that I liked.  I based mine on his but did my own thing.  Next for the onions, I had to figure out how to peel and roast them.

Basically, it looked like I just had to cut the end off and blanch them, then cool them and then the skin should slip off...It did, I cut off the other end when cool, and then the peels came off easily.  Not difficult, if you have time...

The best thing was I was going to roast them in my brand new "Le Creuset" baking dish!!!  I've always wanted to own expensive cookware and now I finally do.  Once peeled, I put some olive oil and butter in the pan.  It looked a little scant, so I added a bag of thawed pearl onions, then seasoned everything with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.

These went into a preheated 350°F oven until golden brown, which was an hour for me.  I tossed once or twice.

I got the pork chops ready.  I like, okay, I love pounding meat with a mallet, it is stress relieving.  I put the chops seasoned with S&P between saran wrap and pounded until thin, around the bone.

These got coated in some flour and then shaken off.  I dipped them in a beaten egg and olive oil wash.  Then I pressed them into seasoned stale country bread crumbs that I pulsed in the food processor.  These were heavily seasoned with S&P and Trader Joe's "Everyday Seasoning".

I covered and put them in the fridge for an hour to set the coating.

I bought these yellow potatoes I've never heard of before called "Adora".  They're supposed to be "low carb".  Anyway, I mashed them for the starch side tonight.

I tossed the onions with a bit of balsamic glaze when done.

I browned the pork chops in olive oil over medium heat in my cast iron pan.  The 3 chops fit perfectly.  I made one side golden, flipped and then finished them in the oven, along side the onions, for about a half hour.

I plated and garnished everything with finely chopped Italian parsley.  I squeezed lemon over the pork chops.

The pork chops were really delicious.  Really liked them.  The onions took a long time and the cipollinis didn't get as roasted as I would have liked.  That being said, they were very sweet and tasted good.  I just wanted them browner.  The pearl onions were done right.  Very tasty Sunday dinner.

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