Saturday, June 23, 2018

Grilled Cedar Plank Steelhead Trout

I have never used cedar planks and was so excited when I saw them at Costco.  I quickly scooped them up.  The packaging said they could be recycled with yard trimmings too.  It said to soak them for a half hour, but I did it for two hours in cold water, just to be sure.  A co-worker was telling a funny story of how they didn't know to soak them and were surprised when a massive fire broke out on the BBQ.  😲

But then I encountered something I wasn't considering...  My sink nor any of my biggest roasting pans fit the plank.

It was about a half inch longer that my biggest pan.  So I had to go soak it in the bathtub.  I weighted it down with a 2 heavy coffee mugs (filled with water).

So far this BBQ season, I've been using my meat thermometer for everything and its been a godsend.

I suggest every home cook use them when cooking meat.  Its saved me from a lot less "raw or well done" disasters.  One of my best buys.  Anyway, today I would be going for 145°F.

After the board came out of the water, I dried it.  I coated the bottom side of the plank with cooking spray (just in case, lol).   On the other side I brushed olive oil over  until it was well coated.  I laid some lemon slices on top and seasoned them with S&P.

I also brushed olive oil on the skin side of the fish.

As always, I only seasoned my trout with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt (both sides) as less is more.  I find it needs nothing else.   I put the trout skin side down on the plank.  The BBQ was pre-heated to medium-high heat, about 400°F.

I put the plank down and closed the lid, checking every few minutes.  If there were flare ups, I read to use a water spray bottle to stop it.  I didn't have any as my heat wasn't wasn't blazing.  There was smoke but no fire.  When done (about 20 minutes or so), I lifted the plank onto a baking sheet.

I served with a simple (but beautiful) kale/arugula salad.  I made some Italian garlic bread for my son.  Oh, and of course lemon wedges adorned the plates.

WOW, the thermometer helped so much as I thought it was way rare when it came off at 145 degrees, but no, it was perfect.  So tender and moist!  The cedar flavor was mild but it was definitely there and as my son said, "AMAZING".  I can't wait to see the local, fresh, wild salmon come in soon...that will be next.  Delicious!!!

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