Sunday, April 5, 2020

Jjapaguri (Ram-don)

Day umpteenthillion in self-isolation.  Can't help feeling like a sitting duck...I have totally abandoned the news and research now except for what sneaks in whether I like it or not.  Just anxiety, panic, fear and sadness, all day, every day.  Anyhooo... I'm trying to start yoga, but apparently need help with my "tight hip flexibility".  Glad I'm by myself doing these exercises so no one can see me.  20 minutes of hip exercises makes me limp around the rest of the day.  😅  Well, exercise is like cooking isn't it?  Practice, practice, practice...

This is a meal best saved for a "cheat" day, if only for the non-nutritional noodles and sodium alone.  I wasn't the only one who watched Parasite and wanted to make the infamous noodle dish from it. I saw restaurants even started serving it after too.  The Korean market I shop at was sold out of the noodles.  I shopped pre-covid19 days for them.  One day at another grocery store, they had a display out with the noodles, so all I had to purchase was the fancy steak.  I used this recipe and used these ingredients:

  • 1 package of Neoguri, Korean spicy seafood instant ramen noodles
  • 2 packages of Chapagetti, Koream Jjajang instant ramen noodles (I added an extra pack of noodles, but didn't use the "sodium" packets in the 2nd package)
  • 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
  • 1.2 lb New York strip steak 
  • Garlic granules, to taste
  • Kosher salt, to taste
  • Fresh cracked black pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • Green onions, sliced for garnish as this dish needs colour!

I'm ordering my groceries online, so each delivery is interesting to see what comes, what doesn't and/or replacements if I suggest them.  I miss picking out my own food and shopping, very much.  I got these for my NY strips.   Triple A  Angus beef, kinda thin (1/2" thick), but they looked okay.  

Boil 6 cups of water.  Put noodles in and vegetable packets.

Leave the seasoning aside for now.  Cook until done, about 5 minutes.  Drain noodles reserving a cup of water.  Heat oil in a skillet over high heat for the steaks that are liberally seasoned with garlic and S&P.  Cook to your liking.  I was going for medium-rare for mine.  Rest 5 minutes and then slice into 1" chunks. 

Add noodles and steak along with both seasoning packets and butter into skillet.

Add ramen noodle water (as needed, if needed) into the pan.  Mix everything together until well combined and consistency to your liking.  Serve garnished with the scallions.

Well, I'm not really sure what I thought of it.  It was okay tasting and I had no expectations of any kind so it couldn't disappoint me because of that.  I found the flavour a bit strange and couldn't make out what they exactly were.  The steak was nice and tender though.  My son liked it more than I.  I wouldn't make it again, but I am glad that I did try it out.  I'd close by saying it was "interesting"...

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