Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Greek Lemon Chicken and Potatoes

A friend sent me this recipe and said it's a tried & true staple in her household on regular rotation, so of course I had to try it.  I haven't had much luck with lemon potatoes so far in my cooking journey so I was ready to give it another go.  The only tweaking she said was to add the lemon zest.  I would do that anyway, as I can't waste zest off any citrus...  I watched the video too and he said this is one time to use dried spices.  I'm glad I watched because I was all ready to switch to fresh herbs.  

Roasted Baby Bok Choy

I had a bunch (haha) of baby bok choy in the fridge so I wanted to use it up.  I usually just put it in soups but after 6 bowls now, it had to go... I found this recipe which inspired me to make it like this.  

Monday, May 24, 2021

Chorizo Clam Chowder

I had chorizo in the fridge and frozen clams in the shell in my freezer.  I came up with chowder on this wet, dreary, gray day.  It was even more dismal with a binge watch of "The Handmaid's Tale".  "Praise Be"...  😉

Monday, May 17, 2021

Spicy Shakshuka With Feta Cheese (Eggs in Purgatory)

I've always wanted to make shakshuka. I've seen it on food t.v. for years now.  The opportunity presented itself to me in an easy manner.  We had lamb shanks last night for dinner and I had all this tomatoey gravy leftover and so it became shakshuka sauce today with a couple of edits.  My sauce had herbs, onion, garlic, carrots and "Bianco DiNapoli" crushed tomatoes.  I guessed there was about 2 or 3 cups there.  To make it compliant for this dish, I added:

Friday, May 14, 2021

Cock-a-Leekie Soup

Who doesn't want to make a Scottish soup with a name like this?  I perused a few recipes and liked that I found prunes and barley in some so that's what I used in mine.  A new friend in my neighborhood gifted me some leeks from her garden so that is what inspired this dish tonight.  We picked up a rotisserie chicken at Costco so I used the bones to make a broth for this.  I saw the leeks cut in big chunks in a lot of the soups, like an inch wide.  I didn't do that to mine, but hey, do as you like...

Friday, May 7, 2021

Ground Turkey Taco Impossible Pie

Well, I've made the dessert version, and now I decided to make the savory.  I didn't have "Bisquick" mix and wouldn't buy it anyway since it's easy enough to make.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Salted Honey Buttermilk Pie

One of the best things I've done during the pandemic is join an online "Buy Nothing" community group.  Gifting neighbors feels great and even better is that things I no longer want finds a person who does want it.  The community spirit has given me comfort and hope in people during a time I've been feeling very 'out of sorts'.  One of the lovely people I've "met" (online only so far) unexpectedly gifted me some honey she makes in her own back yard as a hobby!  I wanted to do something with it, and share it with her, hopefully.  I found this recipe which I used for the filling.  "Sweet & Salty" is a nice combo...

Monday, May 3, 2021

Greek Lentil & Spinach Soup with Lemon

Somehow I stumbled across this story "surfing" and when I finished it, I knew I had to make the soup.  What an entertaining piece to read!  I won't spoil it, but I do suggest you click that link and enjoy.  And bonus, not once is "covid" mentioned  😉.  My friend gifted me some fresh lemon balm from her garden so I thought I'd throw a bit in here, and it's pictured below.