Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Green Grape Cobbler

I'll start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Alton Brown.  I have a big crush on him and think his attractiveness comes from his intelligence and humor.  I saw his live show when he came to town and I even got to meet him by showing up at map coordinates he posted.  [Insert cheesy photo here (which I have)].  Most people liked his show "Good Eats" which I did, but I really fell for him over a show he did called "Feasting on Asphalt". It's hard to believe that is 10 years ago already!

That being said, I've never been a fan of his recipes...So, when I saw he had a new cookbook "EveryDayCook", I decided to get it and give it one more shot...I settled on this dessert to make for my son.  It looked interesting and different than the usual.  Also, IGA had beautiful, large green grapes on sale this week for $1.99 a lb.

The previous night, I marinated the grapes (below) before I went to bed.  I used a 1/4 cup of brandy, just because I like "boozy".

I drained the grapes in a strainer and poured off the liquid in the morning before I left for work.  Then I put them back in the fridge.  I've been meaning to buy "Maldon" salt for a long, long time, so used this as an excuse to get some.  It was pricey at Urban Fare (an upscale grocery store) - $10 for 240 grams.  Hey, but the box told me it's good until the year 2030 so I'm all set!  :)  So, it's a fancy pants "finishing salt", which is made of flakes and has a good crunch.  It's good for certain desserts and many savory dishes as a final touch.

Wow, I had a hard time finding vanilla wafers.  In the first two grocery stores I went to, I could only find the ones with cream fillings in them.  I even went to my Korean grocery store but no luck there, though they had a lot of interesting cookies I have never seen before... After discussion with my co-worker who bakes, she said they would be too sweet for a crust and not to use them.  I headed out to the upscale grocery stores next.  I found it at my 5th stop.  Not cheap either - $5.19!

I had a rough day yesterday.  I bought some Vanilla ice cream to serve with this tonight and forgot it in the trunk of my car until 10pm.  I had to trek out again today to get more.  Also, my camera slipped off my microwave, into a deep container of hot split pea soup last night and went tits up.  The soup splashed all over me too.  I was using it for that picture of the grapes above.  So, I had to order a new one today as well.  I am using my iPhone for pics tonight.

I started with the walnuts, except when I went into the cupboard, I realized I had bought pecan pieces.  I had to just laugh out loud.  My brain has left my body - it seems.  I do need pecans too for my Thanksgiving stuffing but I bought 2 bags of the same thing.  Oh my...

Anyway, I toasted them.  It would have to do.  I just did this in a non-stick pan and I never left the heat source, tossing until toasted.  It took no time at all, a couple of minutes - in fact they may have been over toasted...I came seconds away from burning them.

I put all the crust ingredients into the food processor and then packed the crust into the dish, pressing it in tightly.

I combined the grape mixture next and poured that in.  I had a taste and it was pretty delicious!

I made the caramel.  This tasted really good and I poured it on top.

I set the timer for 15 minutes.  Then I sprinkled with the salt.

I put it in the fridge to cool.  I know it didn't look very pretty.  At the lower right some of the caramel bubbled up too - what the heck is that about???, lol - I popped it and poked it down.  Anyway, I left it for an hour.

This was pretty easy to make I thought, after it went in the fridge.  I took it out and that bubble looked better.

I cut a small piece for myself to sample.  My son wouldn't be home until after 10 tonight, so I wanted to try it first.  I even put a little vanilla ice cream quenelle (sloppy quenelle) down as this is how I would serve it.

So, I'm not a dessert expert.  I rarely eat anything sweet other than a bite here and there.  I can walk away from sweets and never think about putting them in my mouth, EVER.

This dessert didn't look "appetizing" at all, but it tasted good - albeit sweet but yes, I know desserts are generally full of sugar.  I have no complaints with this one.  I'll edit this post later and put my son and co-worker's thoughts.  I think this could impress your guests though.  :)  I mean, could you ever say no to "salted caramel"?  And...this is the first Alton Brown recipe that I've tried and liked!  How about that?

P.S.  Excuse my lousy iPhone pictures too.  I need a lot more practice on that phone before I get better.  I'm glad my new point & shoot camera is arriving on Friday!


The dessert was well received from all that tried it.  I got a lot of Mmmmmm's.  My son loved it, and one of my co-workers ate it first thing this morning and said it was the "best breakfast ever".  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wait , you could find Maldon salt flakes but not Vanilla Wafers ?! I have the same problem : I can find tripe and calf hoofs , but not Whole Wheat Bread .......
