Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Stir-Fried Soba Noodles with Beef and Cabbage

I still had lots of leftover roast beef, even after making my son beef dips and sandwiches.  I decided to make myself a stir fry with it.  I used this recipe sort of... I didn't really need a recipe, but I get scattered sometimes so this focused me.  Well, it almost did.  I still added extra "stuff".  I chose this one because of the Napa cabbage.  That's what grabbed me.  I've only used soba noodles for a cold salad before so I wanted to try it this way.  I used all the ingredients except for the steak of course, but I did my own thing for the stir fry.  I chopped up my roast into bite size pieces and cut the snow peas in half on the bias.  I had a bag of "Power Blend" salad (284 grams) in the fridge which was Brussels sprouts, more Napa, carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli and kale so I threw that in with the Napa I cut up.

I also added some shiitake mushrooms, sliced.  I chopped some green onions and cilantro for the finish of the dish and got out some toasted sesame seeds.  I really forgot I was going to write this recipe out so had almost done all the prep before I remembered.  I got the organic soba noodles ready.  I used this brand below.  They were bundled into twelve individual portions, so I used four, as per my recipe ingredients (serves 4).  Haha, because there was way, way more than just four servings of this dish when finished.  Some will be getting this at work tomorrow now (including myself).  I got 5 more servings out of this.

I boiled them for about 5 minutes, then rinsed them with cold water until cool.

I tossed them with about a tablespoon of sesame oil and set them aside.  I made the sauce, two cups of beef broth with some soy, a little brown sugar, toasted sesame oil, corn starch and sriracha.

I started by sauteing the garlic (4 cloves) and ginger in avocado oil.

I added the noodles and the cabbage mixture.

When that was looking good and cooked to my liking, I added in the beef, shiitakes and snow peas.   I had to add the broth as it was getting quite thick.  This really helped and I covered and simmered for about 15 minutes.

I added the green onions and cilantro, stirred and simmered 5 more minutes.

I plated, garnishing with toasted sesame seeds.  Surprisingly - to me, this was quite good.  My son doesn't like "chowmein" type noodle dishes, but he ate it all and had no complaints - it was different enough than the "usual" and perhaps it was the soba noodles that he liked.  It was a carbo load but I enjoyed it and the cabbage and snow peas stayed nice and crisp providing good texture.  Not too shabby...

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