Monday, October 10, 2016

Leftover Turkey & "Fixings" Shepherd's Pie (a.k.a. Deconstructed Turkey Dinner)

After Thanksgiving, getting creative with leftovers can be a problem sometimes.  It's hard to eat the same thing over and over for days and not get bored.  I spent today making my broth which is an all day eight hour job.  The soup gets made tomorrow, after the broth cools overnight in the fridge.  The fat gets skimmed off the top and then it's ready to go.

For tonight, I was lazy and not really up to being innovative with the leftovers.  I was thinking about putting everything in a casserole dish and topping it with cheese and baking it off.  That's an easy way to call it "Shepherd's Pie", isn't it?  I see Martha Stewart already beat me to this with a recipe so you can look at hers here.  This is exactly what I was thinking though...

I have these great pans that be used on the stove or oven and then even have covers so they can go straight to the fridge with leftovers, so I used one of those.  They also have removable handles.  I sprayed it with "Pam" first.  I put a layer of stuffing on the bottom.

Next was the cranberry sauce.  (This was a good way to use this up!)

A covering of turkey followed.  I broke it up into mouth sized pieces.  This dish would be great for those who don't know how to use a knife.  :)  I seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt here.

Then a coating of gravy went over but I forgot to take a picture.  :( I used about a cup.  Don't forget the gravy - and if  you're taking photos of each layer, don't forget the picture!  I put the green bean bacon bundles on next.  I sliced them into bite size pieces first though.

The mashed potatoes were the hardest layer to put on because they were cold.  I tried to stir them up as best I could and then got them pushed into the pot.  I use Yukon Gold taters and leave the peels on when I mash them.

And finally, Kraft Crackerbarrel Old cheddar topped it all.  I used about 2 cups.

I put it in the oven at 350°F and baked it for an hour and a half.  I put it under the broiler to brown the cheese for a few minutes.  Below is how it looked when it came out.  I just clipped my handle on and taking it out of the oven was easy.  I let it rest for 10 minutes before serving.  I took a butter knife around the edges at that point and then cut the dish in quarters.

I thought about how it would look for a photo trying to serve it and figured I couldn't get it to look like food porn, so would just show what it was...I'll call it my "deconstructed turkey dinner".  I don't even have a pie spatula so couldn't even try to take it out that way.  Hey, I think I need to buy one of those...I served more gravy on the side.

This was comforting and fattening, and food coma like.  Excuse me while I have a nap...and gain 5 lbs...   :)

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