Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Banana Pudding Icebox Cake

This is the kind of dessert I like to make.  No baking and minimal ingredients.  What I used:

  • 2/3 cup Ovaltine (I couldn't find malted milk powder)
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 4 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced about a half inch thick
  • 2/3 of 312 gram box of vanilla wafers
          I put a bowl and the beaters in the freezer until well chilled.  While they were in there, I lined a meatloaf pan with plastic wrap so it went up all sides and could be folded over the top of the loaf pan.

          I had a bitch of a time doing this!  The plastic kept sliding and slipping and not in the ways I wanted it to.  A couple of wads got discarded but I finally got it working okay...

          I used a whisk first to beat the Ovaltine, salt and vanilla together.  Then I whipped the cream with a hand mixer.  

          I layered a row of wafer cookies, whip cream, bananas, whip cream and then repeated (three times).  

          I finished the last layer with cream.  

          I wrapped the plastic over the top and put it in the fridge overnight.

          And then I had to unveil it, and I was nervous...I carefully removed the plastic on top and then put the cake pan over the top and flipped it.  Then I removed the remaining plastic.

          It didn't look as pretty as the recipe, but it still unmolded nicely.

          I didn't taste this, but my son said the lack of sugar didn't matter as the bananas and the cookies made up for it.  He said it was balanced and really yummy.  It was gone in about sixty seconds, so I guess no complaints.  I couldn't get over the Ovaltine. I really wished I could have found plain malted milk powder.  I used to love Ovaltine as a young child, but it was not what my memories remembered, that is for sure!

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