Sunday, July 29, 2018

Grilled Romaine Hearts Bacon Shrimp Salad with Blue Cheese dressing.

Another scorcher day (hottest one yet?), so salad was the game time call.  I made my go-to dressing.  I thought I'd be smart and grill the bacon, and I did it on a grilling tray, but OMG, no, don't do it!  Or if you do, make sure there's no sugar and that its really thick cut.  That shit was on fire in seconds and my spritz water bottle did nothing.  Thank goodness I still had half a pack left, so had to switch indoors to the broiler.  I'm sure it was 40°C in my house after that!

AND, it burned under the broiler too even while I was watching in a matter of seconds.  Bad choice of bacon my son picked up.  Yes, I am blaming him (Safeway Sensations Brand), lol.  I'll give him a break since he said it looked good in the package but it sure turned out to be false advertising.

I've never grilled lettuce before either, so this was a new adventure.  I had 3 Romaine hearts.  I brushed the outsides with olive oil and seasoned with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.

I skewered the prawns (16/20 ct - I had 19 in the one pound bag) after I took the tails and shells off.  They were cleaned of the digestive tract already but I double checked and then seasoned with some garlic and S&P.

I used cooking spray on the grill first and put the prawns and lettuce down over medium heat.  The prawns were done first in about 5 minutes and the lettuce in double that.  I squirted some fresh lemon over the prawns.

I sliced beautiful Cabernet cherry tomatoes in half and put them in a salad bowl.  I seasoned them with S&P and added half the bacon.

I chopped the Romaine in strips and added them, cutting off the bottom root/core (a good inch) on all 3 heart bundles.  I threw in the prawns, remaining bacon and then I tossed everything together.

I plated with blue cheese dressing.

Well, a big thumbs up to grilled lettuce!  The charred flavor was smokey and interesting and quite tasty.  The insides were still crisp but had the grill aroma.  I will definitely try this again some time.  The blue cheese dressing was a winner, as always.

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