Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mediterranean-style Grilled Zucchini Salad

It's hotter than Hades, and I'm under the weather. literally and figuratively - a truly awful combination.  😢 Appetite has been pretty low but I still have to eat.  I really wanted homemade chicken soup but I didn't have the time or energy and didn't want to use the stove today at all.  I saw this recipe and thought I'd make it.  I halved it though as I only had 2 zucchini in my fridge.  However, I had the fresh tarragon, parsley and all the remaining ingredients, so it was like it was meant to be...

I washed the zucchini and cut them into rounds.  I tossed with some olive oil, cumin and S&P in a bowl and took this outside.  On my grill, I charred these until cooked through and had nice grill marks on both sides.  I noticed the heat was uneven and  I lost 2 down the grates.  I put them back in the bowl.

I added the juice of 1/2 a lemon, a minced garlic clove, a handful of chopped parsley, 2 stalks of fresh tarragon leaves that were finely chopped and more S&P to taste.

Finally I stirred in about a half cup of feta cheese that I crumbled.  I mixed well and served.  Well, this was okay...nothing to write home about.  The half teaspoon of cumin seemed to overpower every other ingredient and I love cumin.  I wanted the zucchini crisp and it wasn't.  We ate it warm, maybe it's better cold?  I won't make it again.  So much for my "meant to be" thoughts.  Your mileage may vary...do they still say that?

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