Saturday, July 28, 2018

Country Bread French Toast with Caramelized Apples

I used to love to make my son breakfast every weekend, but for the last year or so, he's worked early on weekends and I don't get the chance.  However, he was home today as he's sick.  When he woke up he said he was hungry, so I whipped him up this after looking at what I could do for brunch.

For the French toast, I just mixed 3 eggs, a splash of half & half cream, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of pure vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and sprinkle of nutmeg and mixed it up.  I had did this step before I thought of making the apples.  If I was doing it again with fruit like this, I'd probably make savory french toast instead.

I cut a thick slice of country bread and cut it in half.  I let it soak in the mixture while I caramelized the apples.  I had a honey crisp apple, so I just quartered it, cored it and then cut into thin slices.  I put it in a non-stick pan with some unsalted butter, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and more cinnamon and nutmeg.

When done, I stirred in a splash of balsamic vinegar.  I would have used lemon juice but I didn't have one around today.

I made the french toast.  I just poured all the batter in and scrambled the excess egg mixture.

I put a tiny drizzle of French maple syrup of the toast and then layered on the apples.  I sprinkled with a wee bit of icing sugar.  I didn't taste this at all besides a bite of the scrambled eggs.  The apples sure made the house smell good with that cinnamon.  Son said it was yummy and not too sweet.  I was worried it would be too sweet.  He was happy.

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