Sunday, January 13, 2019

Skillet Ground Turkey, Quinoa Macaroni & Cheese

I've never seen this at Costco before but when I did last week, I had to buy it to try it.  I've tried pasta made from chickpeas (my fave), quinoa with brown rice (my 2nd fave), 100% whole wheat (good), ancient grains (good), black beans (meh) and red lentils (not a favorite).  Time to try macaroni quinoa with some organic white rice flour and two quinoa flours. I have a feeling I'll prefer the brown rice one I tried from Trader Joe's - though it is fusilli and I wanted macaroni today...

It became our Sunday comfort food dinner which was kind of like healthy hamburger helper.  I say "kind of" because I've eaten much better for the last two weeks, this was definitely a cheat day in my current eating plan...
  • 1 lb of extra lean ground turkey
  • 1 onion, diced
  • Crushed red chili peppers, to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Couple of good shakes of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet (I use this to color the anemic looking turkey)
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2  & 1/2 cups Kraft old cheddar, grated and half cup for topping
  • 2 cups of 1% milk
  • 1 teaspoon of Coleman's dried mustard powder
  • 2 shakes of sweet Hungarian paprika
  • Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste
  • 3 cups of quinoa macaroni, prepared per package directions
  • French's fried onions for topping garnish
  • Hot sauce, for serving at table
I started by sauteing the onion and garlic, when soft added the turkey.  I sprinkled in the chilies, Worster, browning sauce and S&P.

When done, I covered and set it aside.  I went about making the pasta and cheese sauce next.  For the cheese sauce I put the olive oil and flour and mixed it until cooked over medium heat.  I slowly whisked in the milk, paprika and mustard powder until thickened.  I seasoned with S&P and then in small handfuls, incorporated the grated cheese.  I left on very low heat until the pasta was done and drained and rinsed.

I mixed the pasta into the ground meat and then the cheese sauce.

I stirred until well combined.  I turned the heat off.  I topped with the remaining cheese and fried onions.  I covered until the cheese was melted.

I served.

Not the prettiest dish, I was pretty damn tasty though I wouldn't have objected to more cheese.  I liked the pasta.  I would use it again so that was a pleasant surprise.  Nice comfort food cheat day..My son asked for leftovers in his lunch tomorrow but did ask that I grate more cheese on it.  I obliged and I'm sure he will be happy now.  

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