Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pork Tenderloin Stroganoff

I've made the beef recipe many times and many different ways.  I thought it would be good with nice lean pork (the other white meat, lol).  Tenderloin is like its name "tender" and perfect for this, I thought.  What I used today:

  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 lb pork tenderloin, sliced into thin rounds and then thin strips lengthwise
  • 1/2 lb mushrooms, sliced thinly and then in half
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme, tied in bundle
  • 1/cup white wine
  • 2 cups low-sodium chicken stock
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (for finishing)
  • 2 tablespoons no-salt butter
  • 1 sweet onion, halved and sliced thinly
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 heaping teaspoon "Trader Joe's Umami Seasoning"
  • Dash of "Kitchen Bouquet" for gravy color
  • 340 grams "No-Yolk" Extra Broad Noodles, prepared to package directions
  • Freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt, to taste
  • Olive oil, as needed
  • Fresh Italian parsley, chopped coarsely, for garnish

I decided to lightly pound out the tenderloin slices.  Figured it would make it go further and be quick to cook as well.  

After I got it all sliced, I shook it in a little flour seasoned with S&P.  I browned quickly over med-high heat in butter and a splash of olive oil.  I put in a bowl and set aside.  

I added more olive oil to the pan and over medium heat, fried the mushrooms, garlic, thyme and onions until very soft and starting to caramelize.  

The flour went in next and I stirred that until cooked out, another minute or two.  Then I deglazed it all with the wine scraping up the brown bits.  After a few minutes, I added the chicken stock, Worcestershire sauce, umami seasoning, gravy browning and S&P.  I heat to boil and then simmered until desired thickened consistency was achieved.  I removed the thyme.  I put the pork back in and let it sit on a low simmer covered while I prepared the noodles.  When noodles were done, I stirred in the sour cream to the pork.  I mixed everything together folding until combined well.  I turned the heat off.  I plated and served garnishing with the parsley.

The sour cream at the end just gave the proper "tang" to the dish along with the wine.  The parsley was crisp, grassy and fresh.  The pork was tender and amazingly tasty in this.  The mushrooms and onion on point in their flavor profile.  I think the sauce was seasoned perfectly though a little heavy on the pepper - I always have that problem, but otherwise I impressed myself.  Excellent stroganoff!

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