Sunday, September 27, 2020

Smoky Bison Sausage Hash

I had 2 & 1/2 bison sausages leftover from dinner last night.  I was trying to decide what to make with them for my son's lunch today.  Then I came up with an idea of a brunchy hash.  This is what I used:

  • 3 small yellow potatoes, halved and then cut into 8 pieces each side
  • 3 slices Applewood bacon
  • 1/2 cup fresh grated Parmigiana-Reggiano cheese
  • 3 green onions, sliced
  • Large handful of organic baby spinach
  • 2 & 1/2 smoky bison sausages, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon Trader Joe's no-salt "21 Seasoning Salute"
  • Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste
  • Fried egg, to top finished hash
  • Fresh cilantro, coarse chop, for garnish
  • Olive oil, as needed
  • Cholula hot sauce, for garnish

Earlier I roasted the potatoes and bacon with a swirl of olive oil, S&P and seasoning.  I did this in a preheated oven at 350°F until cooked, turning once.  It took about 40 minutes.  The "high-end" bacon was really smoky like the bison and imparted a nice smell/flavor to the potatoes.  

When it came out, I tossed with the Parmesan cheese.  I left this sit until my son got home from work.  He's an "essential worker" at Costco during this awful pandemic.

I re-heated the oven again.  To the potatoes I added in the cooked sausage, spinach, green onions, another small drizzle of olive oil and mixed it all up.  

I left it in the oven until everything was hot and the spinach was wilted down which was about 20 minutes.  I checked the seasoning - more S&P.  

I fried an over-easy egg to serve on top.  I garnished with the cilantro and the hot sauce on the side.  Below, I did cook the egg perfectly but broke it open for the picture and so the yolk would run over the hash.

Son was very happy and was quiet until the plate was scraped clean.  I guess that says it all...

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