Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sugar Free Cornbread Corndog Muffins

I saw this on a cooking show and wanted to make them.  I had hot dogs in the freezer and they were wrapped individually so was good for the recipe. I wasn't going to blog this so didn't take any pictures while cooking, but they were so good, I want to remember it!  Good for a corndog fix without the deep fry!

  • 2 cups "old" cheddar cheese, grated, reserve some for muffin tops
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, quartered and diced keeping seeds and innards
  • 2 jumbo all-beef hot dogs, cut in thirds
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter , melted
  • 354 ml can evaporated milk (I would have used buttermilk had I had it)
  • 1 organic egg, beaten
  • 1 cup cornmeal 
  • 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup monk fruit sweetener
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Kosher salt, good pinch

I coated a jumbo muffin pan that makes six with cooking spray.  I beat the egg with the melted butter and milk separately.  Everything else (except hot dogs) got mixed into another bowl and I whisked till all was combined well.  I sauteed the hot dog pieces in a non-stick pan with a little grapeseed oil until browned on all sides.  I let cool.  

I folded in the liquids with a spatula and stirred until no flour was seen.  I evenly distributed batter into the muffin tins and then inserted a hot dog in the middle.  I topped each muffin with a little more cheddar cheese.  These went into a preheated 400°F oven for 25 minutes.  

We really, really liked these!  What a nice savory treat!  I only wished I'd used more jalapeno.  Finding those nuggets were like hidden gems.  I'd cut the sugar down to 1/3 or even 1/4 cup next time too.  I'm a fan of non-sweet cornbread.  I served with butter, a drizzle of local honey and hot sauce on the side.  We had them for brunch the next day with eggs.  They are substantial and satisfying.  Mmm, mmm good!

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