Thursday, March 24, 2016

Roasted Rapini (Broccoli Rabe)

I've never made this before, in fact, I've never seen it at the grocery store before this week.  It was cheap too, $1.78 for a bunch at "No Frills" which carries President's Choice products.

I've had it served in restaurants before but I really couldn't tell you where or when, I just know I've eaten it before.  I read that it's actually part of the turnip family!  So, since roasting is my favorite way to cook my veggies, this is what I did based on this recipe.  I got a huge bunch of this for under $2 - even if I hated it, I couldn't complain about the cost of it.  I washed and chopped the ends off first.

I mixed the olive oil, minced garlic and chili flakes in ramekin.

I laid the rapini out on a parchment lined extra large baking sheet and tossed it in the oil mixture.  Then I cracked some kosher salt over it.  I spread this out evenly trying to make a single layer.

I heated my oven to 375°F.  At 15 minutes I took them out and put on some fresh Parmesan Reggiano.  I put them back in the oven for another 5 minutes - next time I would for 10 more minutes - would have liked a bit crispier all around.

I squeezed some fresh cut lemon over the top.

So, I really liked this dish.  The leaves were like kale chips and the stems had a nice bitterness to them, that was appealing to me....though your mileage may vary.  You can blanch them before roasting, like done here which should make it less bitter.  The garlic, chilies and Parmesan were key in this for me.  LOVE.  I will make again whenever I see them!

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