Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Chicken Stew

So, I used what ingredients I had in my fridge and made a stew with them.  I had 4 chicken thighs with legs, so cut them up to make 8 pieces.  I seasoned with Trader Joe's "Garlic salt, sea salt, roasted garlic, onion and parsley" and fresh cracked pepper.  I browned them in some olive oil and then took them out and set them aside.  The rest of the ingredients I used are:

  • 4 beefsteak tomatoes, large dice
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • Half pound of cremini mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 bunch of carrots, tops removed and sliced largely on the bias
  • 4 Yukon gold potatoes, large cubes
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon of Trader Joe's "Garlic salt, sea salt, roasted garlic, onion and parsley"
  • Fresh cracked pepper
  • Pinch of saffron (Trader Joe's Spanish)
  • 1 cup Campbell's Stock First™ Chicken stock
  • 1 cup of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with same amount of water
  • Handful fresh chopped cilantro, for stew and garnish
I did this in a dutch oven.

After the chicken was browned (2 batches of 4), I drained most of the fat off.  I put in the onion, garlic and mushrooms.  I stir-fried until softened.  I deglazed with the wine.  I simmered it down until half reduced.  Then I added in the tomatoes, potatoes and carrots.  I put in the concentrated stock, saffron, cilantro, seasoning and mixed.  My camera lens got fogged over and the mist on the top left stuck, so the pictures are blurry tonight.

I laid the chicken on top.

I brought to a boil, covered and then turned it down to a simmer.  I let this go for an hour, until everything was fully cooked.  I put in the cornstarch mixture to thicken and then served.  I garnished with more cilantro.

This would have been great with a nice, hearty bread to dip in the gravy, but I had none which is just as well, diet wise.  There was a lot of liquid, but the tomatoes did that so it was very soupy.  I enjoyed it.  Nothing "wow" but it felt like a wholesome meal.

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