Thursday, April 6, 2017

Roasted Spatchcock Chicken, Carrots & Tomatoes

The rain kept me from my lunch time walk again 😢.  I did do a short walk though and went to Costco.  I bought tonight's dinner and it was pretty easy to make.

Spatchcock chicken is butterflied chicken with the back bone removed.  I think it's ideal for the grill.  This is a new item at Costco and I picked it up, already seasoned (Mediterranean BBQ rub it said) for $12 which I find really reasonable (well, if I like the seasoning, then it's reasonable 😊 ).  The baby carrots are expensive, but they are so beautiful, I find it worth the splurge.  A 1.5 lb bag is $7 but they are ready to go.  I used just over half the bag tonight.  I tossed them in some extra virgin olive oil and fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.

I was going to roast this meal in my cast iron pan.  I put the chicken over top the carrots upside down first and seasoned with fresh cracked pepper.  I pre-heated the oven to 375°F and put it in for 45 minutes.

When the timer rang, I took it out of the oven.

I used up some cherry tomatoes (also from Costco) I had by tossing them in with the carrots.

I flipped the chicken and put it back in the oven for another 45 minutes.

Your mileage may vary depending on your oven - this was how mine was...I basted it once.  I took the chicken out and let it rest on a cutting board for 10 minutes.

I plated my son's with some buttered, artisan french bread that I dipped in the pan juices.  I just had the cast iron pan ingredients for mine tonight.  I gave my son the breast and leg while I had the thigh and wing (with a little of the breast).  There's half a chicken left for tomorrow.

I did like the seasoning and the carrots were scrumptious, especially with the chicken jus.  I can never think of good words when describing food, but that just popped into my head.  They were so sweet and the tomatoes were like candy sweet.  There was zero veg leftover.  Fantastic dinner - moist chicken and the best thing was that it was soooo easy to put together.  I am a big, big fan of Costco.

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