Saturday, April 22, 2017

Smoked Turkey, Chicken Andouille & Pinto Bean Enchiladas

I had lots of leftovers from this last night, so I decided to make enchiladas with it.  I also had some low-carb tortillas in the fridge too, so thought this would be a good use for them.

I used this recipe for the enchilada sauce.  I made that first.  I added in two chipotle peppers in adobo sauce to spice it up.

I keep these in my freezer - open the can and then divide into baggies and use them as needed.  A whole can of them wouldn't be needed at one time (I learned my lesson on that -  by making a dip that was inedible and too hot to palette).  This gave a nice smokey heat to the sauce.  I used organic veggie stock for it and Mexican oregano.  The sauce was pretty good once simmered down.

I sprayed 13" x 9" baking dish with "Pam" and filled the tortillas with the bean mixture.

It made 6 ginormous enchiladas!  😮

I still had beans left (some people at work will be getting them on Monday).  I poured the sauce over.

I got my "absent sous chef" son to grate some Cracker Barrel Extra Old cheddar and some Old, so I'd have white and orange cheese.  I put this over top.

I put into a preheated 350°F oven for 45 minutes.

I let them sit for 15 minutes.

I garnished with some sliced green onions and fresh cilantro and then served.

I plated myself ONE enchilada, but half the filling came out when I did that, so I just put it above, lol.  Very yummy.  Very easy dinner and it changed up the leftovers well. The cheese did make it really salty though...

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