Saturday, April 22, 2017


Two co-workers and myself got together and purchased some Scrapple.  We can't get it Canada so my co-worker kindly picked it up at her address in Washington State for us.  They ship it on ice packs.  We'd all heard of it but never tried it.  So, the ingredients are not very appetizing, if you get it as it was originally made, with awful offal... Ours didn't have that.  We ordered from "West Coast Scrapple".  Ours was made with "high-quality lean ground pork".

My son worked early and I was back from visiting my dad at the hospital before noon.  So, we were both home for "brunch" today.  I roasted some baby potatoes and then made the Scrapple, eggs and toast.  I was going to have fake scrambled eggs with mine, but just ended up eating Scrapple and the potatoes.

It kind of looked like "Spam" but better - not jellified or processed like that.

I cut it into half inch pieces.  I only sprayed "Pam" in the non-stick frying pan.

The directions did say to not let them touch but I did and two pieces did stick together on my son's batch, who I made breakfast for first.  I fried till crispy on both sides - about 10 minutes.

Below is his brunch.

For mine, I served some whole grain mustard and HP sauce.

Wow, the Scrapple was Fan-f'n-tastic!!!  My co-worker had already tried hers when she brought ours in and raved about it!  I see why - it was incredibly good and flavorful.  The spices were perfect.  The outside was crispy and it was soft and mushy inside.  It didn't even need the condiments, but I like additions like that.  Next time I wouldn't bother though.  So, when she is willing to pick that up again, I am in!  Delicious stuff.  1 lb. each cost us $20 CAD each but that was with the U.S. exchange and delivery.

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