Friday, April 14, 2017

Mushroom Green Bean Chow Mein

I don't make chow mein, I think it's much easier to order it in.  Also, my son doesn't like it, so there's really no sense in making it, as I'll just eat it all.  However, last weekend, I was at an Asian grocery store and the fresh noodles compelled me to buy them.  Unfortunately I didn't read the ingredients then and saw there was eggs in them, therefore:  cholesterol.  I am doing well with not eating real eggs often, so decided it was fine tonight.  My co-worker just brought some "Mandarin Orange Chicken" back from Trader Joe's for me, so I decided to do this for dinner tonight.  This particular TJ's chicken is rated really highly on the Interweb so I wanted to try it.

So, I just followed the package instructions for making the chow mein and for the sauce I used:
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons of reduced sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Chinese dark soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of toasted sesame oil
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of minced ginger (I used it from a jar)
  • 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • Splash of no-salt chicken broth
I got the sauce mixed up first and set it aside to let the flavors meld.  I sliced an onion by cutting it in half and then thinly cutting it in strips.  I cut the green beans in one inch pieces.

Then I sliced the mushrooms.  I put these in a large non-stick pan with avocado oil.

I stir-fried until cooked.  I added the noodles next.

Then the sauce.  This ended up being sooo stressful that I couldn't even think about taking a picture!  Wow - so not EVER doing this again, LOL.  I had to chop them noodles up - they were as long as 'my life so far'.  I had to add more soy sauce, and stir like a banshee.  I will NEVER MAKE CHOW MEIN AGAIN!!!  That packet of noodles would feed a family of 10 too!  Who knew? know what that means?  I'm the one who gets to eat all the leftovers, lol.

The TJ's chicken was awesome.  There was 2 packs of the sauce so one on the chicken and one on the chow mein helped out.  My tip would be NOT to use the whole package of noodles unless you're feeding 10 people...

Reminder to self:  Order it in, next time...  P.S.  Below are my leftovers - I gave my son a HUGE plate (almost twice of mine above)! That container holds 2.2 Litres.  😲

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