Sunday, July 29, 2018

Grilled Romaine Hearts Bacon Shrimp Salad with Blue Cheese dressing.

Another scorcher day (hottest one yet?), so salad was the game time call.  I made my go-to dressing.  I thought I'd be smart and grill the bacon, and I did it on a grilling tray, but OMG, no, don't do it!  Or if you do, make sure there's no sugar and that its really thick cut.  That shit was on fire in seconds and my spritz water bottle did nothing.  Thank goodness I still had half a pack left, so had to switch indoors to the broiler.  I'm sure it was 40°C in my house after that!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Country Bread French Toast with Caramelized Apples

I used to love to make my son breakfast every weekend, but for the last year or so, he's worked early on weekends and I don't get the chance.  However, he was home today as he's sick.  When he woke up he said he was hungry, so I whipped him up this after looking at what I could do for brunch.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Steamed Cod & Veggies in Foil Packet

Ouch, it is a scorcher outside today 🔥 and the heatwave is expected to continue for a week I heard.  No oven, no stove today.  I decided to make a foil package for the BBQ grill.  I bought what looked appealing to me in the grocery store this afternoon and finished off some fridge items from home.  The cod looked really nice and fresh.  I got the butcher to wrap me up piece from the ice display.  What I made tonight is how I like to eat when trying stay healthy, the Mediterranean diet.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Chickpea Salad Pitas

I was watching this on Food Network before I went to bed last night and decided it would be good to make for lunches.  It looked like egg salad but without the cholesterol.  Frankly, this is the first and only Trisha Yearwood recipe that I've considered making.  She's not my fave on the network.  I went out and bought the ingredients I needed today.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Zucchini Vichyssoise Soup

I haven't cooked much while feeling unwell lately and I've missed it.  I've never made this before and am still craving soup from being under the weather.  It seemed a good time to try it and this can be eaten hot, warm or cold.  I followed Ina Garten's recipe for it except I added my last Vidalia onion.  I was sad to see the Vidalias are gone now from markets but at least I will have Walla Walla for a while...

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mediterranean-style Grilled Zucchini Salad

It's hotter than Hades, and I'm under the weather. literally and figuratively - a truly awful combination.  😢 Appetite has been pretty low but I still have to eat.  I really wanted homemade chicken soup but I didn't have the time or energy and didn't want to use the stove today at all.  I saw this recipe and thought I'd make it.  I halved it though as I only had 2 zucchini in my fridge.  However, I had the fresh tarragon, parsley and all the remaining ingredients, so it was like it was meant to be...

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Blueberry Bundt Cake

It's weird, and I don't know why, but lately I keep making desserts and I don't eat them.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Apple Dumplings

I got up on this weekend morning and was watching the "Pioneer Woman" on Food Network.  I saw her make this.  In general, a lot of her recipes are not very healthy, however, they are easy.  I figured my son would love this so I made it for him tonight.  Half a pound of butter and almost 2 cups of sugar!  I scaled back a little on her bad ingredients though and used:

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Banana Pudding Icebox Cake

This is the kind of dessert I like to make.  No baking and minimal ingredients.  What I used: