Monday, March 4, 2019

Homemade Quick Ramen

I made this for my son tonight.  It will not compare to the delicious ramen we love going out for here in Vancouver but I thought it would be comforting for him on this beautiful but nippy day.   I do wished I had homemade stock to use for this, but another time.  I walked to Chinatown at lunch and picked up BBQ pork and half a Soya chicken for $9!  Can't beat that.

What I used:
  • 4 cups organic low sodium "Better than Bouillon" chicken broth
  • 1/2 lb BBQ pork
  • 6 baby bok choy stalks, bottoms sliced off
  • 2 portions of fresh ramen noodles 
  • 1/2 inch of grated ginger
  • Shichimi Togarashi seasoning, to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons reduced sodium soy sauce
  • 2 nori sheets, cut into slivers
I got the ingredients prepared, as everything is pretty quick to go once you start.  Son asked for a 2nd ramen portion when he looked at it below.

He said he was really hungry so I made a big bowl for him.  I made the broth and grated in the ginger.

I added the togarashi, sesame oil and soy sauce next.

This was followed by the noodles and bok choy.  I put the BBQ pork in last, just to heat it.  I put the hot soup into a large bowl.  I placed the eggs, nori and radishes over and served.  One egg broke when I was peeling it, but they came out fairly well.

The broth was really flavorful for putting it together so quickly and easily.  That togarashi made the broth fantastic!  Son loved the dish, he ate it up the best he could.  He got through about 2/3rds.  I served him some of the soy sauce chicken on the side too and he ate half of that.  I'll do this again.  I'll make my own broth next time.  I'll look for thicker noodles, as these were so thin, there was no chewy bite to them.  Plus they sucked up the broth.  I hate when that happens!  I'd also do the soy sauce eggs next time too.  Other than that, excellent.  I don't like cooking on Mondays and this was easy enough.

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