Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Arugula, Mozzarella, Prosciutto & Egg Flatbread Pizza

I made this for my son tonight.  Another rainy day found me walking to Costco again at lunch and I saw flatbreads so thought I would check them out.  I have never bought them before.

I also bought some fresh mozzarella cheese, and then the idea came to me.  I had baby arugula at home and just picked up 60 grams of prosciutto at the deli by work (4 slices).  I asked him if he wanted one or two and he wanted two.  I sprayed a baking sheet with "Pam" and put them on it.

For the sauce, I just used no-salt tomato sauce and I seasoned it with some dried basil & oregano.

I cut off some fresh mozza pieces and put them around the sauce.

I left a spot in the middle to crack the eggs, sort of...I put this into a 400°F oven until the cheese just barely melted.   When it did, I cracked an organic free range egg into the middle of each crust.  I seasoned the eggs lightly with S&P and I put it back in the oven.

In the meantime,  tossed a couple of handfuls of arugula with some organic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  I seasoned with some fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.  I used my hands to toss.

When the eggs were cooked, about 5 minutes later, I took out the pizza.

I laid some curled prosciutto slices around and stacked the arugula over top.

How beautiful is that?!  I used a pizza cutter and sliced it in four pieces breaking the yolk over it.  My son said it was absolutely amazing and ate both flatbreads.  Next time I'll partake in a bite at least, but I was preoccupied and never got to tasting.  I trust him though and I always say his palette is better than mine.

P.S.  I LOVE you dad.  đŸ˜¢

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