Saturday, March 4, 2017

Roast Chicken Dinner in Cast Iron Pan

So, for once - in a long while now, I was going to roast a chicken without using Ina Garten's recipe which has become a regular Sunday meal in our home.  It was Saturday anyway today, lol.

I decided to do the chicken in my beloved cast iron pan, over potatoes (4 small baker), carrots (I only had 2), onion (1) and sliced mushrooms (I bought a pack of these, otherwise I probably would have used whole).  I threw in a few cloves of whole garlic and fresh thyme stems too.  I would also roast some asparagus on the side.  I probably would have thrown that in the pot  with everything else except my son detests asparagus, so I spared him.  Like he likes to tell me, "more for you then".  😊

This was super easy to put together and was in the oven in less than half an hour.  I preheated the oven to 400°F and did the whole meal at that temperature.  I didn't peel anything besides the onion and garlic.  Everything was in large pieces and rubbed down with olive oil and fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.  I used Russet potatoes, white mushrooms and wild carrots.

I also did the same with the chicken.  I stuffed a half of lemon cut in two, S&P, a tablespoon of Trader Joe's no salt "21 seasoning salute", fresh thyme, fresh flat leaf parsley and 2 garlic cloves into the cavity of the chicken.  I trussed it and then rubbed it down with olive oil and seasoned it.

I put it breast side down first on top of the veggies and into the oven it went.  I left it there for 45 minutes.  It smelled so good!  Your oven temp may vary so adjust accordingly.

I then flipped the chicken but before putting it back, stirred the veggies underneath.  It went back in for another 45 minutes.

I got the asparagus ready - tossed with some olive oil and S&P on parchment paper and put that in for the last half hour, tossing once.

At that time, I took the chicken out and brushed it with the pan drippings, trying to get the skin crisp and browner.

I took it out when done and let it all rest 5 minutes .

I plated.

This was so good!  The chicken juices soaked into the veggies and they were so delicious.  The onions were caramelized and sweet.  The chicken was tender and moist.  Fantastic!  Drool worthy!

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