Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Poached Cod in Tomato Sauce

I saw this and thought "how easy is that?"  It was a rainy day, so I took a wander walk to Costco at lunch.  The fresh cod at Costco is amazing, but pricey in a large pack, so I consider it a splurge.  I never want to freeze it so have to cook it in one go.  Speaking of splurges, I bought a jar of Rao's sauce as well.

It's $10 in the the grocery store (gasp), but I hoped I would get what I paid for - in quality.  As I've said lots of times here before, simple recipes with quality ingredients are my favorite.

I was soooo tired today, so this was a perfect recipe.  I was going to serve this with some oven roasted green beans and a slice of fresh ciabatta bread to soak up the sauce.

I put the green beans on parchment paper lined baking sheet and seasoned with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper and tossed with some avocado oil.

I poured 2 cups of the marinara sauce into a fry pan that had a lid.

I chopped some Italian parsley and basil.  I meant to buy chives today but forgot.  Even if I write a list, sometimes things don't come home with me...

I cut my cod into 4 portions and patted it dry with paper towels.  I seasoned with S&P.

When the sauce was boiling, I put the fish in the sauce.

The green beans were already in the oven at 375°F.  I put them in about 15 minutes before I started the fish.

I turned the fish down to low and at a simmer.  I covered with a lid for 10 minutes.  I flipped the fish half way which wasn't a good idea and not called for in the recipe either, but I still did it.  The fish fell apart.  I garnished with a bit more S&P and the herbs.

I covered for another couple of minutes.  The sauce doubled with the moisture of the fish.  I can't imagine what it would do with frozen fish as I always find it's so hard to get rid of the excess water with frozen cod and don't use it because of that.  I plated.

The sauce didn't shine through in taste because of the liquid the fish exuded.  The fresh herbs really helped that factor though and balanced the taste of the watery sauce.  The cod was tender and moist.  If I make this again, I will make my own marinara sauce with lots of garlic!  I know this recipe was so easy, but it felt like a lot of work tonight...I think my food suffers when I'm tired and my heart isn't in it.

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