Saturday, March 18, 2017

Soy Chorizo, Yam and Fake Eggs Hash

I miss eggs at the best of times watching my cholesterol.  Eggs and cheese most.  I still have cheese (limited) but eggs I avoid unless I'm tempted by something irresistible and I don't make a habit of them.  Giving them up in Ramen was a hard one.  I've used this yummy soy chorizo here.

I was craving breakfast with eggs so decided to make this dish for Saturday brunch.  I bought these fake eggs and all they had was ones with chives and cheese, so beggars can't be choosers.  These "egg beaters" like thingys satisfy the egg desire.  They're hard to find for me and I only have found one grocery store (Safeway) that carries them.

I made enough for two or maybe three days.  I cut up half an onion, some green onions and chopped some cilantro.  I got out my "Cholula" hot sauce.

I roasted a peeled yam, cut up in bite sized cubes on a parchment lined baking sheet.  I seasoned with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.  Then I was ready to go.

I did that at 375°F for 45 minutes.

I put in the diced onion, took the casings off the chorizo and then pan fried it all in some avocado oil.

I added the yams in next.

After that, a whole carton of fake eggs went in as they expire within a week after opening.  I stirred in the greenery.

I had corn tortillas, tostadas and toast in the house, and I went for the whole wheat toast today.  I decided I'd use one of the other carbs for tomorrow.

I was late making/eating this today and was starving, but I thought it was really good.  The starving part may have played a factor though.  The hot sauce was really nice in jacking up the flavor though there was lots from the chorizo all ready.  The yam added a sweetness note.  My plating below was weird and looks like something with wings...

I was happy and it was a very satisfying brunch, if not only complaint is that the soy chorizo has such a high sodium count and did make the dish very, very salty.

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