Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chicken with Forty Cloves of Garlic

I have always wanted to make this recipe.  The "Barefoot Contessa's" flashed up on facebook to me last week.  It looked good so I went with that one.  The reason I made it now, frankly, was that I saw whole peeled garlic cloves at the Korean market I was shopping at last week so decided it was time.  I really never wanted to peel that much garlic before.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Roasted Shishito Peppers

I looked at a bunch of different recipes for this quick, easy dish but I decided on this one for the simple fact that I thought I would cause the least smoke in my kitchen.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Slow Cooker Curry Beef Brisket

I told my friend I was going to make crock pot BBQ brisket and he mentioned that he loves curry beef brisket, so I decided I'd give that a try instead.  I looked for recipes but didn't find many, so I just sort of "ad-libbed it" after looking at the few I could find...  I went to T&T Supermarket at lunch time for curry ingredients.  I decided to use Yeo's Singapore Curry Gravy in a can (400 grams).  I looked at soooo many different curries - Japanese, Thai, Indian, etc., it was mind boggling.  I used that and:

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Broccoli & Cheese Soup

I watched Chef Wolfgang Puck on "The Chew" last week and decided I'd try making his soup since it looked really good.  I got started as there was lots of Mise en place for me to do because of my "absent sous chef"... Today wasn't stressful at work, so I don't enjoy chopping veggies as much as I do as when I'm stressed out...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Irish Codfish Pie

I made this once before and my son loved it.  Fresh cod was on sale yesterday so I bought it to make for dinner tonight.  I did use a recipe the first time, but I didn't bookmark it so don't remember which one.  It really wasn't difficult to make so I didn't need to find it again as it's basically just fish, sauce, mashed potatoes and cheese...I could whip that all together without a recipe...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Banana Bread

I have a recipe on a piece of paper that I printed out, from years (20?) ago.  I have no idea where it came from but have always used it and never made anything else when it comes to banana bread.  My son will tell you that my banana bread is the best he's ever had.  I know it's because he's bias and it's because he's had it since he was a kid.  I never bake either so he was probably grateful to get "something" from me...That being said, everyone who has tried it seems to like it too.

Ribs & Sauerkraut

This is a ridiculously easy recipe and very comforting.  Years ago, a co-worker told me how to make it in conversation, and I have been making it ever since.  I prepped this last night before I went to bed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Cauliflower & Sausage Casserole

Cauliflower is so expensive now!  Lucky I found a bag of florets at Costco for $4.99 for 2 lbs.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Salisbury Steak w/ Onion Gravy, Mashed Taters & Oven Roasted Grape Tomatoes

I bought hamburger for other plans but I was craving Salisbury Steak today.  It always reminds me of Swanson T.V. dinners we had as kids.  That's probably why I like the Pioneer Woman's recipe as a base line though I would never, ever serve it with peas as I hate them.  I seem to crave soups, stews, casseroles and comfort food in the winter months.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Homemade Cream of Chicken Soup & Buffalo Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwich

I haven't ever made a cream of chicken soup before (that I can remember) and thought it was about time I tried.  I bought two Costco Rotisserie Chickens the day before.  That evening, I took the meat off and threw the carcasses into a crock pot.  I added an onion, celery, carrot, fresh parsley & thyme, 2 bay leaves, Gruyere cheese rind, S&P and filled water to about an inch from the top.  I started the crock pot after dinner and set it on low for twelve hours.  I reset it to twelve hours again when I went to bed.  My crock pot goes off when the timer is done and turns to "warm" so I knew the broth would be fine when I got home from work.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oven Baked Chicken Tacos

I used this recipe as a base for our "Taco Thursday" dinner tonight.  For the filling I used:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Szechuan Green Beans with Ground Pork

This recipe is very yummy.  It's really easy too - little work for a great flavour pay off.  I use the green beans from Costco for this.  They are already trimmed and ready to use.  Very convenient.  A 1.5 lb bag is $4.99 and I use the whole bag in this dish.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Beef and Tomato Chow Mein

This used to be my favorite dish when going out for Chinese food as a teen and into my twenties.  I can't even find it on a menu these days though I always look when searching the "noodles".  When I stumbled across a recipe for it last night, I got all excited and decided I had to make it for dinner tonight.  I loved the woman's story of her special memory of her mother and that recipe.  I didn't even look for others to compare.  I decided I would try this one.  I have NEVER made chow mein at home, so this was a first...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pan-Seared Scallops with Bacon and Kale

It was the night before my return to work and I wanted to have a special dinner to end my vacation.  I was craving scallops since I saw this recipe here a few days earlier.  For price we get these scallops from Costco. They aren't cheap, $35 but it is worth it to have a splurge meal at home once in a while (...and my son paid this time...).  I followed the recipe pretty much except I substituted Kale for Spinach.  I ended up throwing a dash of white wine in when the onions and garlic were cooking down, it needed it as they were starting to stick.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Irish Stew

Once upon a time, about 5 years ago, I had the most awesome recipe for Irish Stew.  Alas, I never bookmarked it and have never found it again.  Believe me, I've searched and searched for it.  The only two things I can remember was that it had bacon and chocolate stout beer in it.  Sigh.  Anyway, I wanted to make this in my new dutch oven, so I decided to make "my own version" of the recipe I longed for... I don't need a recipe for stew, I've made enough of them to just wing it.  I like to make lots when I go through a bit of hard work making a meal, and I like to share.  I used:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Braised Chicken Thighs with Spicy Kale

I bought myself a shiny new Cast Iron Enamel Dutch Oven for Christmas.  I was so excited to try it out.  I was putting away the Xmas decorations while "The Chew" was on the t.v., I saw Chef Michael Symon make a recipe that looked great (under 500 calories a serving) and decided I had to try it.  If you don't want it spicy then don't put the jalapeno in.  I like it spicy.  I don't know what 2 lbs. of Kale is, so I bought two organic bunches of it.  I bought some Organic Sourdough bread to serve with dinner for my son since he doesn't need to worry about carbs.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Wedge Salad with Homemade Blue Cheese Dressing

OK, this recipe is PERFECT.  It needs no altering at all except I do add more blue cheese than called for (double).  It doesn't need the extra cheese, I just really like it with more.  I also double this recipe every time I make it.  I could just eat the blue cheese dressing by itself with a spoon.  It is sooooo good.  I highly recommend this recipe from Aaron McCargo Jr. from Food Network.  For the cheese, I use Castello Extra Creamy Danish Blue which can be found in most grocery stores and is relatively cheap.  I buy it when on sale.  Make sure you don't omit the chives for the dressing - they really add something special, in my opinion...

Baked Korean Turkey Wings & Massaged Kale Salad

I didn't use a recipe for this dinner.  I've looked at similar recipes for both many times though.  This was a pretty easy dish to prepare and I will continue to make this. It was very good.

Turkey Soup

Soups are my thingy...I enjoy making them the most I think.  I put a lot of time and care into each one.  For Chicken/Turkey soup, I don't need a recipe, I've made enough of them to do it all from memory.  I always use the leftover cooked carcass for the broth.  Costco Rotisserie Chickens make good broth!  (I'm guessing because they're brined).  Turkey carcass always makes a good broth brined or not.

Farro Pilaf

I looked a lot of recipes and then just made my own recipe with what I had in the fridge at the time.  I used President's Choice Blue Menu Italian Farro.  I just followed the cooking directions on the box for it.

Braised Beef Short Ribs

I LOVE short ribs.  I think it would be my "last meal" given the choice.  I will order it whenever I see it on a menu.  To me, it is a most comforting dish.  I always use Chef John Besh's recipe as my base.  It makes me laugh because the site I found the recipe at has a picture of BBQ pork ribs with it.  They look great too, but wrong ribs.  Scroll down from the picture and you get a great recipe here.  You cannot go wrong with this recipe.

Easy Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Brisket

I made this a couple of years ago, but this one I remembered and want to make sure I keep it for my files.  I am not really a crockpot fan.  I find most stuff comes out really bland with an odd taste and maybe only have two or three things I will make in it.  This dish was a rare keeper and is one of those three things.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Beef & Polenta Bake

Tonight's recipe was based on this one from Canadian Living.  I followed the polenta instructions exactly from the above recipe, except I used a full cup of Parmesan cheese, freshly grated.  I get all my cheeses from Costco.  This one was Tre Casali Parmigiano Reggiano.  When it was done, I poured it into the casserole dish and set it aside.