Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Broccoli & Cheese Soup

I watched Chef Wolfgang Puck on "The Chew" last week and decided I'd try making his soup since it looked really good.  I got started as there was lots of Mise en place for me to do because of my "absent sous chef"... Today wasn't stressful at work, so I don't enjoy chopping veggies as much as I do as when I'm stressed out...

I chopped a large sweet onion, the leek, the broccoli (2 bunches) and the garlic.

My absent sous chef did grate my cheese for me.  I used Kraft Cracker Barrel Extra Old Cheddar for this (I used about 3 cups).  I pretty much stuck to the recipe except the extra cheese.  I also added the onion and used 3 cloves of garlic instead of 2.  I used two boxes of Kitchen Basics No Salt broths.  One was chicken and one was veggie.

I also added a 250 ml carton of whip cream as I wanted mine creamy.  Other than that, I followed the recipe.

I sauteed the leek, onion and garlic until soft.  Then I added the stock, honey & lemon and brought it to a boil.  Broccoli went in next until almost soft.

I got the immersion blender and pureed it all until smooth-ish.  The cheese went in and melted almost immediately.  I added in the whipping cream last and stirred with the heat off.  I seasoned again with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.

I served and topped with more cheese.  I did make the cheese crostinis from the recipe for my son, but I just enjoyed the soup.  It was very, very good.  Besides all the chopping, it was quite easy to make.  Chopping is just time consuming and can sometimes be a chore.

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