Monday, January 4, 2016

Baked Korean Turkey Wings & Massaged Kale Salad

I didn't use a recipe for this dinner.  I've looked at similar recipes for both many times though.  This was a pretty easy dish to prepare and I will continue to make this. It was very good.

I cut the turkey wings in half and then I gave them a massage.  The first ingredient is Gochujang.  I get this at my Asian market in the fridge section.  It looks like this below:

The paste  I made was pretty simple and was enough for 4 turkey wings:
  • A couple of tablespoons of Gochujang
  • Garlic Powder
  • White Pepper
  • A dash of Fish Sauce (Can get in Asian market and grocery stores with an Asian section)
  • A tablespoon of Hoisin Sauce
  • Couple dashes of Reduced Sodium Soy sauce
I mixed it all together and rubbed the turkey wings down.  I put parchment paper down a cookie sheet.  Put the wings in at 350°F for about 45 minutes.

For the Kale Salad, I did my usual which is tear the stalks off the kale.  Bunch it up and slice it in shreds.  Then I massaged it with good Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  I love Costco's Organic Kirkland brand.  Then I tossed in halved cherry tomatoes, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, fresh grated Parmesan cheese (Romano would be great too) and S &P.  Toss again and serve.

Oh, I've made this with Chicken Wings too.  See below:

I also made another version (below) of Korean Wings with this recipe.  It was really delicious but also much more work.  The wings have to sit in the fridge over night.  I've never made these again because I made them for Superbowl XLVIII when the Denver Broncos lost and it still pains me to remember anything about that day...  :)

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