Saturday, January 16, 2016

Salisbury Steak w/ Onion Gravy, Mashed Taters & Oven Roasted Grape Tomatoes

I bought hamburger for other plans but I was craving Salisbury Steak today.  It always reminds me of Swanson T.V. dinners we had as kids.  That's probably why I like the Pioneer Woman's recipe as a base line though I would never, ever serve it with peas as I hate them.  I seem to crave soups, stews, casseroles and comfort food in the winter months.

I mixed together with my hands:
  • Half an Onion, finely diced
  • 1 piece of 12 grain bread - in fine crumbs from food processor
  • 1/2 cup of Ketchup
  • 1/4 cup of Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon "Sizzling Steak Spectacular" Spice (I got this as a Christmas gift)
  • 1 packet of Low Salt Beef Bouillon
  • 2 eggs
  • Almost 2 lbs of Lean Ground Beef
  • Fresh cracked pepper
I shaped them (wet hands works for this) and then put them on a plate and back into the fridge.  These were just over a half pound each and were a good size.

I squished that big fat one back into an oval when I took them out.

I got the tomatoes ready next.  I got a 13" x 9" baking pan and lined it with parchment paper.  I put the tomatoes in and drizzled about 2 tablespoons of olive oil and grated 3 cloves garlic over them.  I seasoned with fresh cracked Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.  I sprinkled a tablespoon of salt free "Smoked Paprika, Chili & Chives" spice (yes, I got this for Xmas too).  I stirred this all together until all the tomatoes were coated.

And finally I peeled the potatoes and put them in a pot and thinly sliced a large onion for my gravy later.  (I wished I had mushrooms too).

I turned the burner on for the potatoes and pre-heated my cast iron pan to medium heat that I would make the "steaks" in.  I also pre-heated the oven to 375°F.  I put some butter and olive oil in the pan and started to cook the meat.  I put the tomatoes in the oven.

When they were done, I moved them to a plate and cooked the onions.

When the onions were soft and browned, I added about a half cup of red wine and reduced it down.  Then I added about two cups of chicken stock as I didn't have any beef stock.  I added about 1/4 cup of ketchup, a few shakes of Worcestershire Sauce and brought to a boil.  Then I added a slurry of two tablespoons of cornstarch, a half cup of water and another beef bouillon reduced salt package.  This thickened the gravy nicely and I put the meat back in to heat up.

Well that simmered, I gave the tomatoes a shake and turned the oven off, leaving them to rest there until I served.  I mashed the potatoes and then plated.

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