Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ribs & Sauerkraut

This is a ridiculously easy recipe and very comforting.  Years ago, a co-worker told me how to make it in conversation, and I have been making it ever since.  I prepped this last night before I went to bed.

The evening before, I dumped the sauerkraut (large jar - 796 ml) into a roasting pan.  (They have lots of choices at Famous Foods and I always just choose the one with the least sodium.  Regular grocery stores usually have fewer choices).  I mixed this with about a quarter to half cup of brown sugar and fresh cracked pepper.  If you want it sweeter, add more sugar.  I just like to offset the sourness a tiny bit.  I chopped some large carrots (4) and threw them in too.

Then I browned the ribs under the broiler set at 500°F, draining the fat off when turning them.  I use side ribs seasoned with S&P.  I buy them when they're on sale and I got this package for $8.

After they were browned ( about 15 minutes each side), I sliced them into serving size pieces and put them over the sauerkraut. I sealed the top tightly with foil and put them in the fridge.

I put them in the oven in the morning at 200°F.  They would cook for about 8 hours today.  However, I have done it at 250°F for as short as 4 hours.  I find the sweet spot is about 5 hours at 200.  The nice is thing about this recipe is that you really can't screw it up at these low temperatures, no matter how long you cook it, but I personally wouldn't go more than 8 hours.

I made my son some "Dirty Rice" (package mix I bought in New Orleans.  I just added ground sausage to it) to go with his ribs since he hates sauerkraut.  I picked a couple of carrots out for him too.  I was fine just eating what was in the pan though I had a taste of the rice and it was spicy good.  Totally unnecessary though!

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